Kampung Kopi Luwak (Coffee Plantation) Visit

Kampung Kopi Luwak (Coffee Plantation) Visit

It’s day 4 of Borneo Youth Leadership Camp, the participants are taking trips to Kampung Kopi Luwak — a coffee plantation, where they will learn how the coffee is produced and do some testers of coffee — placed on Desa Prangat Baru, Marangkayu. The events were opened by the Corporate Social Responsibility of PT. Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur, a subsidiary of the biggest oil & gas company in Indonesia, PT. Pertamina is represented by Mr. Binto Iskandar Hasibuan Tobing, superintendent of production at Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur. He says that Kampung Kopi Luwak is a Climate Village Program held by  Corporate Social Responsibility of Pertamina, which received Corporate Social Responsibility Awards as a result of collaboration between PT. Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur and Kampoeng Kopi Luwak said that the key to Climate Village Program’s success happened because there is the involvement of some role that helps to active that, (1) the society, (2) the governance, and (3) the private sector. 

Presentation by Mr. Binto, superintendent of production at Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur. (Photo: Rizky Arif Rivai/Buddy)

After giving a presentation about PT. Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur and their programs related to Corporate Social Responsibility, Mr. Binto received a certificate of appreciation as a speaker by Borneo Studies Networks for himself and PT. Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur Daerah Operasi Bagian Utara (DOBU).

Handover certificate of appreciation as a speaker from BYLC committee to Mr. Binto & PT. PHKT DOBU (Photo: Rizky Arif Rivai/Buddy)

Next to the agendas, Mr. Rindoni, representing farmers of Kapak Prabu, Desa Prangat Baru, gives an informative speech about Kopi Luwak in Bahasa Indonesia, about the history of Liberica beans, where the beans of Liberica were spread, and the difference between Liberica, Robusta, and Arabica coffee beans. The speech was translated into English by one of the buddies, Nanda, so the information could be received by the participants. The participants were also invited to see the coffee tree and observe the coffee that was processed by Luwak. 

One of Buddies translating speech from Mr. Rindoni (Photo: Rizky Arif Rivai/Buddy)

At the end of activities, participants are served Liberica coffee that is made in two methods of brewing, Tubruk, and V60. Also, the participants are trying Soto Banjar as a lunch that is served by Kampung Kopi Luwak and received a paper bag that contains Indonesian traditional snacks.

V60 coffee making by Mr. Rindoni (Photo: Rizky Arif Rivai/Buddy)