Wondering East Kalimantan Forest With Faculty of Forestry

Wondering East Kalimantan Forest With Faculty of Forestry

After doing trips for 2 days in a row, on the 8th day of Borneo Youth Leadership Camp participants are focusing back on the lecture series of the Faculty of Forestry. At the beginning of the day started with a welcome remark from the dean of the faculty of forestry, placing in Bengkirai Room, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Mulawarman, and continued with the first lecture called “Wildlife Conservation on Tropical Rain Forest” presented by Dr. Rachmad Budiwijaya Suba, S.Hut, M.Sc. and second lecture called “Medicinal Plants from Tropical Rain Forest for Human Life” presented by Prof. Irawan Wijaya Kusuma, S.Hut, Ph.D.

For the next agenda, the participants are split up into three groups for laboratory visits, they visit 7 laboratories alternately. The laboratories are the Laboratory of Chemistry of Forest Product and Renewable Energy, Laboratory of Biology and Wood Preservation, Laboratory of Soil-Water Conservation and Climate, Laboratory of Silviculture (Laboratory of Forest Protection), Laboratory of Silviculture (Laboratory of Soil Sciences and Forest Nutrition), Ecology and Conservation of Tropical Forest Biodiversity, Forest Product Industry, and Testing Laboratory.

Visiting Laboratory of Silviculture (Laboratory of Forest Protection). (Photo: Muhammad Repaldi/Buddy)

Visiting Laboratory of Biology and Wood Preservation. (Photo: Muhammad Repaldi/Buddy)

The day ends with a closing remark by the Faculty of Forestry and the participants are heading back to the dormitory.