East Kalimantan Wildlife Tour to Balikpapan – Day 2

East Kalimantan Wildlife Tour to Balikpapan – Day 2

Continuing from the previous day, the participants of Borneo Youth Leadership Camp 2023 started their morning with the forest freshness on the 10th day. Starting the day at 5 am to go hiking, reaching the Canopy Bridge inside Bangkirai Hills, the hike takes around 650 meters walk — 150 meters for track 1 and 500 meters for track 2— which is worth it because participants are waiting for the sunrise on the Canopy Bridge.

The participants are trying the Canopy Bridge in return due to its maximum person regulation. They are also taking pictures of the scenery from the bridge. There is also Rivai, one of the buddies that are on duty for taking individual shots of participants while they are crossing the bridge. Around 6.30 a.m one of the participants spotted Owa (Bornean white-bearded gibbon) hanging around the trees not far from the Canopy Bridge. They feel excited about it. 

After all of the participants are trying the Canopy Bridge, we’re heading back to the Cottages area to get breakfast, we use a different track on our way back, it is more uphill. So the participants need to hike carefully.

Participants on the way back to the Cottages area. (Photos: Nur Dzakiyyatul Baahirah/Buddy)

When we arrived at the cottage area, some of the participants were heading straight to the dining room to get breakfast. They also do some chit-chat while eating. There is not much phone usage because the electricity is blacked out in the morning, it is only available on night days and there is no signal there.

Some of the participants are outbound after finishing their breakfast, the outbound are very used muscular strength because they need to climb up to the trees and pass a rope course before they slide using flying fox and land on spider web to get down. So the participants are required to do warm-ups before going outbound.

Participants did some warm-ups. (Photo: Nur Dzakiyyatul Baahirah/Buddy)
Outbounds obstacles. (Photos: Rizky Arif Rivai/Buddy)