Learn and Practice with Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Learn and Practice with Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Exhausting trips on 2 days backward did not stop participants from continuing their lecture series on the 11th day of Borneo Youth Leadership Camp 2023. Today’s lecture series starts later than usual. The participants are picked up from the dormitory at 10 a.m. heading to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. As usual, they were greeted by a welcoming speech on the 3rd floor of the Geophysics Laboratory, which continued with a presentation and demonstration about geology in East Kalimantan, especially rock fossils presented by a Physics major. In front of the desk where the participants sat, they served many rocks on the table. 

East Kalimantan rock fossils presentation. (Photo: Rizky Arif Rivai/Buddy)

Continuing after lunchtime, the participants are moving to the Basic Chemistry Laboratory to watch a presentation and demonstration and also practicing to do catalysis. The participants are doing 2 types of catalysis practice, the first one is practicing degradation of liquid waste using photo-thermal catalysis, and the second one is changing color using a catalyst that was presented by a Chemistry major.

Catalyst practice by one of participants. (Photo: Rizky Arif Rivai/Buddy)

Moving to the next practices, the participants are moving to Classroom to watch a presentation and practice their combinatorics by playing Hanoi of Tower, presented by a Mathematics major, the lucky participants are awarded a gift.

Practicing Hanoi of Tower games. (Photo: Rizky Arif Rivai/Buddy)

At the same place, the last lecture come from a Biology major, which introduced Kalimantan endemic fruit plan, such as Borneo Durians, Lai, and Jackfruit —or more known as Cempedak in Indonesian, which participants already taste at the Faculty of Agriculture after AgriFUN agenda— this lecture was more like fruit party because all of the participants are allowed to taste the fruits.

Participants showing Lai on their hands. (Photo: Rizky Arif Rivai/Buddy)

Today’s lecture series ended with participant testimonials and documentation before they headed back to the dormitory.