Borneo Youth Leadership Camp is a Summer School event held by International Office Universitas Mulawarman on 17th – 29th July 2023. This opening ceremony was attended by the Rector of Universitas Mulawarman, Dr. Ir. H. Abdunnur, M. Si., IPU., Vice-Rector of Academic, Prof. Dr. Lambang Subagiyo, M.Si., Vice-Rector of General Affairs, Human Resources, and Finance, Ir. Sukartiningsih, M.Sc, Ph.D., IPU. Vice-Rector of Students Affairs and Alumni, Prof. Dr. H. Moh. Bahzar, M.Si., Several dean of faculty and head of unit in Universitas Mulawarman.
Opened by Traditional Dance of Kalimantan Timur titled “Lestari Alamku” which represents back to nature, danced by one of International Student Buddy, Muhammad Repaldi, and his partner, Safitry Friandany. Both of them are students of Forestry, Universitas Mulawarman.

The first welcoming remarks were delivered by Sulistyo Prabowo, S.T.P, MP., M.P.H, Ph.D., head of the International Office of Universitas Mulawarman. As he welcomes the participants, he also emphasizes the plurality of this year’s exchange program by mentioning the country of origin of the participants one by one.

The second is from Dr. Rosnah Abdullah, The Head of the Borneo Studies Network as she shows appreciation as Unmul had the initiative to re-start the program after a lengthy struggle during the COVID pandemic and wishes the program to be able to provide the participants with leadership skills and hopes that the program could strengthen the ties of the member universities, also to introduce students from other universities to the Borneo Youth Leadership Camp exchange program.

The last speech comes from the Rector of Universitas Mulawarman, Dr. Ir. H. Abdunnur, M. Si., IPU, who said this program, Borneo Youth Leadership Camp, is a yearly program to give a chance to International Students to spend their summer studying about UNMUL and a little step for UNMUL being World Class University by building international networking. Dr. Abdunnur also greets the participants based on countries using their native language. The symbolic gesture of tapping the microphone three times marks the official opening of the event also with the draping of ID cards to two participants, Tashfeen Amir from Pakistan and Subira Kaserero from Tanzania as representative participants of Borneo Youth Leadership Camp 2023.