Opening Ceremony of SUNTROPiS 2024

Opening Ceremony of SUNTROPiS 2024

The opening ceremony of Summer School Mulawarman University was successful on July 15.

This Opening Ceremony marks the start of Mulawarman University’s Summer School activities called “SUNTROPiS” which is an abbreviation of Sunny Universality: Mulawarman University’s Tropical Studies Program in Summer, with the theme Tropical Symphony: Understanding Borneo’s Unique Nature and Cultures and Finding Its Sustainable Solutions. This activity will be held on 15th-27th July 2024.

It opened with a performance of “Tari Enggang” which is a traditional dance of the Dayak Kenyah tribe by five members of International Student Buddy. This dance represents important values about the life and nature of East Kalimantan.

Welcoming remarks from the Head of the International Office Mulawarman University, Sulistyo Prabowo, S.T.P, M.P., MPH., Ph. D., he welcomed the arrival of the participants and said that the enthusiasm of this year’s participants had increased significantly compared to previous years.

Final remarks come from Dr. Ir. H. Abdurnur, M.Si., IPU ASEAN Eng, The Rector of Mulawarman University, warmly welcomed the Summer School participants and stated that through this program Unmul could raise its quality standards at an international level.

This year’s Summer School activities were attended by 29 students from various countries such as Afghanistan, Thailand, Palestine, Pakistan, Nigeria, Sudan, and Indonesia. For two weeks, participants will carry out indoor and outdoor learning activities to learn more about the nature and culture of East Kalimantan.

Rapporteur: Sherina Maharani Darmawan