One Health Day with Faculty of Public Health

One Health Day with Faculty of Public Health

International course at the Faculty of Public Health, Mulawarman University, are the last agenda of the Borneo Youth Leadership Camp 2023’s lecture series. Friday (28/7), the first activity of the participants at the Faculty of Public Health, Mulawarman University, was to walk through the Karang Mumus Green Walk to Cerdas Park. Karang Mumus Green Walk is a walking arena intended for pedestrians. This area is filled with trees on one side and there is the edge of the Karang Mumus river on the other side. On the way there, we were able to see first-hand the slum settlements on the banks of the Karang Mumus River. Participants were explained by lecturers from the Faculty of Public Health regarding the habits of local people who are at risk for health.

We also took photos and videos during the trip to Cerdas Park. Cerdas Park is one of the parks in the center of Samarinda city which aims to educate. In this park, there are jogging tracks, public sports equipment, statues, and miniatures of endemic animals from Kalimantan and Indonesia. After arriving there, BYLC participants were invited to eat healthy snacks that had been prepared by the Faculty of Public Health, Mulawarman University. There are corn, bananas, cassava, and various foods that are prepared by boiling. At Cerdas Park, we made introductions from the Vice Dean and Coordinator of the Study Program of the public health faculty of Mulawarman University and then took photos in front of the Pesut Mahakam (Mahakam Dolphin) statue before returning to campus.

Activities continued with health checks provided by the Faculty of Public Health, such as checking blood glucose, blood pressure, and body weight. After that, we were served healthy Indonesian food, called gado-gado. In this lecture, participants also received material about fire simulation in the workplace from the Occupational Health and Safety team and were shown and tried directly how to properly handle fire extinguishing.

One of participants practice handling fire extinguish. (Photo: Rizky Arif Rivai/Buddy)

Not only that, but we also play the game ‘Yes or No’ which adds insight into public health local wisdom of East Kalimantan—and also play attractive games with students of the Faculty of Public Health, Mulawarman University. The winners of the games were awarded books on various sciences in public health.

Playing ‘Yes or No’ game. (Photo: Rizky Arif Rivai/Buddy)

After returning from the Faculty of Public Health, Mulawarman University, the BYLC participants sailed by boat at the tourist boat dock. Not only the participants, buddies, and lecturers also sailed on Pesut Kita boats. We sail along the Mahakam River and see the sunset. We also took photos and had dinner on the ship. This joy sailing activity is on the agenda on the last day of the Borneo Youth Leadership Camp 2023.

Joy sailing after photo. (Photo: Alyani Noor Septalia/Buddy)